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Day 3, First Nearo

Gooch Gap (17) to Woody Gap (20.5)

Today has been a hard day for me mentally. As great as last night was, I woke up sick yet again. For 3 days in a row I've felt nausea in the mornings and I don't really know how to fix it. Some things can be ruled out. I haven't drank a single drop of unfiltered water, so that's out. I usually feel better by the afternoon, so overexertion is probably out. I have been eating foods I eat in my normal diet, so that's out as well. Right now it seems to me that either I'm drinking too much water, too little water, have some type of electrolyte imbalance, or an undiagnosed illness. Please if you have any ideas based on personal experience or medical training, reach out to me. I'm starting to worry that I'll be sick every day of this hike and have to quit early again. Anyway, enough anxiety rambling. I hiked an easy 3.5 miles this morning, feeling the sickest I've felt so far this trip. Every 100 meters I was looking around for places that I could safely puke off-trail. When I got to a high spot on the mountain, I used my limited signal to secure a spot at Barefoot Hills Hostel and a ride there for tonight. Got to Woody Gap and got picked up by a shuttle service. The ride down the mountain was only 15 minutes but I had my finger on the window button in case I couldn't hold my stomach the whole way down. I'm really not used to nausea. It's unusual for me to throw up or even feel like I need to. After getting to the hostel, I met the 3 people I'd be staying with tonight in bunk beds. They all deferred the first shower to me and I nearly instantly puked in the shower. It's weird because physically, I feel great. Aside from the nausea, my legs are sore but totally fine. My knees that have been problematic in past years aren't hurting at all. I've been sleeping great and eating ok too. After the shower (which was marvelous after being completely caked in dirt and mud) I took a nap in my bunk before discovering the next issue. One of my bunkmates has a persistent cough. We are sharing a room that's probably 10 feet by 10 feet and this lady is coughing nearly constantly. If I didn't already get a partial vaccination, I'd have left immediately and pony'ed up the $120 to stay in a nearby hotel. I'm still not super excited to be sharing a room with a likely covid positive person, but hopefully the protection of the antibodies will allow me some relief. Anyway, this is my first Nearo of the trip. Nearo is a term derived from another term, Zero. What it means is that you did nearly 0 hiking that day. Zero means you did 0 hiking that day. My first one is tomorrow! I'm excited to do laundry and eat Taco Bell in town before heading back to the trail once the weather is better. The next few days will probably be the biggest test of the trip. If I can get a significant hiking day in without morning sickness, I'll feel great about continuing on to Maine. If I can't seem to get healthy, I'll have to consider my other options. I hate to keep rambling and going back to it, but it feels really weird to have these two conflicting feelings. On the one hand I'm making good miles, feeling great, and enjoying my time here. On the other hand I'm suffering and sick every morning. The AT brings out the best and worst in all of us.